Introducing the Ricoh GR Presets Bundle by LikeaLook, the creator of the Leica M-Looks Pro Bundle.
The Ricoh GR Presets Bundle accurately matches the built-in camera effects from the Ricoh GR cameras and lets you apply them to your own JPEG and RAW photos, regardless of the camera you used for the original photo. LikeaLook is known for creating high-quality Lightroom presets. The time and effort put into this preset bundle are evident. Compare a photo taken with a Ricoh GR camera effect and one with the matching preset applied and they’re indistinguishable.
The presets bundle includes 13 presets and 2 modifiers. It also includes 13 Video LUT’s so you can apply these looks to your video projects too.
The included presets are:
- Black and White (3 Presets)
- Hi-Contrast (4 Presets)
- Positive Film (3 Presets)
- Printed Photo (3 Presets)
The 2 included modifiers are:
- Add grain, noise, and sharpening
- Remove grain, noise, and sharpening
Check out photo examples of our Ricoh GR Preset examples
Let’s look a little more in-depth into what each of these Lightroom presets accomplish.
Ricoh GR Black and White Presets
Our Ricoh GR Black and White preset is often compared to the Leica Monochrom look. This is the most versatile and pleasing black and white preset that we’ve seen and is great for nearly any type of photo.
Hi-Contrast Presets
The Hi-Contrast preset is a favorite among street photographers where light and shadows play an important compositional role. This preset closely mimic high ISO black and white film.
Ricoh GR Positive Film Presets
The Positive Film preset applies deep and saturated colors that result in a classic look. Colors shift to be more emotionally accurate in hopes of evoking a nostalgic feel and deeper connection to the viewer. This preset is perfect for portraits, lifestyle photos, and family photos.
Printed Photo Preset
The Ricoh GR Printed Photo preset adds to the Positive Film look. Most notably, this preset decreases the overall brightness of the photo as if it were printed and scanned back in. Take a look at your old photographs and you’ll notice that the absolute white is not nearly as bright as today’s monitors and screens. This Lightroom preset mimics that printed photo look and feel, which then allows the viewer’s eyes to relax and enjoy the photo.
Click here to purchase the Ricoh GR Presets Bundle